BUKU TERBITAN BAHARU Penulis: Muhammad Yusuf Khalid I Mohd Rumaizuddin Ghazali I Dzulkifli Abdul Razak ISBN: 978-967-440-233-4 Terbitan: 2015 Jum.Halaman: 132 m/s Maqasid syariah yang bertujuan menjaga dan memelihara sistem tata hidup manusia melalui Islam sebagai satu cara hidup dengan meraikan fitrah, keadilan, kebebasan dan kesempurnaan. Pembangunan lestari sebaliknya sebagai satu konsep memakmurkan kualiti hidup manusia sekali gus mengekang kesan-kesan musibah yang sedang melanda dunia sekarang ini, malah untuk masa hadapan. Agenda pembangunan lestari wajar diarusperdanakan sebagai satu pendekatan baharu melalui pendidikan yang selaras dengan perspektif maqasid syariah. Buku ini memaparkan teori maqasid syariah bukan sahaja menjurus kepada individu tetapi dikembangkan meliputi skop kemanusiaan yang lebih luas, termasuk masyarakat, umat manusia sejagat. RM 30.00 Editor: Suzanah Selamat et al. ISBN: 978-967-440-234-1 Terbitan: 2015 Jum.Halaman: 277 m/s Language and Education Trends (LETs) aims to enhance the important roles of language and education in the improvement of humanity. It highlights various issues and teaching methodologies, facilitates the discussions of trends and challenges, and becomes a platform to present new developments of methods and approaches in the language and education fields. The chapters in this book cover a variety of subjects in the area of education and linguistics, as well as literature. They depict the current issues and trends in language and education mainly from countries in South-East Asia (Malaysia and the Philippines) and the Middle-East (Jordan) RM 38.00 Penulis: Dzulkifli Abdul Razak ISBN: 978-967-440-225-9 Terbitan: 2015 Jum. Halaman: 144 m/s …in order to progress even further, we cannot rely upon outdated thinking patterns that have brought us to this level today. It is indeed challenging in view of the fact that we are still tied to the cognitive paradigm of our source. This paradigm is in need of a shift in congruence to the universal perspective of the individual and not the owner of the source. The rights upon the profit from this source are temporary and it has become our obligation to make certain that it is not destroyed, so that it may serve to benefit the future generations to come. - D.Y.M.M. Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Sultan of Perak Darul Ridzuan …a global environment functioning upon the increasing dependency and partnership of one another, requires leaders that are capable of uniting diverse entities in providing solutions to challenges that possess unpredictable dimensions, as well as managing various affairs that are quite often in opposition. - Tan Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz Governor of the Central Bank of Malaysia RM 40.00 Editor : SuzanahSelamat et al. VOLUME1 LANGUAGEANDEDUCATIONTRENDS VOLUME1 Editor : SuzanahSelamat etal. USIMPRESS FACULTYOFMAJORLANGUAGESTUDIES Language and Education Trends (LETs) aims to enhance the important rolesof languageandeducation in the improvement of humanity. It highlights various issues and teaching methodologies, facilitates the discussions of trends and challenges, and becomes a platform to present new developments of methods and approaches in the language andeducationfields. Thechapters in thisbookcoveravariety of subjects in the area of education and linguistics, as well as literature. They depict the current issues and trends in language and education mainly from countries in South-East Asia (Malaysia and the Philippines) and the Middle-East (Jordan).
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