The Animal Research Ethics Committee is a committee responsible for ensuring that all research involving animals is conducted ethically and in compliance with established regulations and guidelines. This committee plays an important role in safeguarding the welfare of animals used in research and ensuring the integrity of scientific research.
This committee is managed by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).
Have obtained a grant, approval of the grant/project code Biduni Mizanniyah from PPPI. (Include a copy to the Ethics Committee)
Complete filling out the application. Ensure it is signed and stamped by the researcher.
Mark (/) on the document checklist.
Ensure the proposal has been screened at the respective faculty before being submitted to the ethics committee.
Refer to the checklist of documents that need to be included.
A copy of the payment receipt for the USIM Research Ethics Approval Application (specifically for grant-funded research) must be sent after receiving the payment instruction letter from JKEH.
The processing fee rates for research ethics applications are according to the following categories:
USIM Internal Researcher
Ringgit Malaysia: One Hundred Only
USIM External Researcher
Ringgit Malaysia: One Thousand Only
Payment must be made via bank transfer to the following account:
Account Beneficiary: Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Account Number: 05058010008884
Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
USIM Trust Account: A2-2-21-704111-51 – USIM Research Ethics Committee (JKEP) and Animal Research Ethics Committee (JKEH) Fund
Applications can be submitted in 'soft copy' to:
Mr. Rahim Razali bin Ramli
Secretary of JKEP USIM
E-mail: (cc e-mail to:
One (1) complete 'hard copy' after secretariat screening can be addressed to:
Dr. Amira Raudhah binti Abdullah
Head of Secretariat
Jawatankuasa Etika Penyelidikan Haiwan USIM
Level 12, Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan (FPSK)
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan
Head of Secretariat: Dr. Amira Raudhah binti Abdullah
Secretary: Encik Rahim Razali bin Ramli